Come visit us at the Connecticut Country Store!

Come visit us at the Connecticut Country Store!
Smart Folks Shop Local!

Thought for the moment.....

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring has sprung on our little hobby farm!

By the time we got home from the store tonight the sun was long gone and the chilled air made my fingers ache. I walked down the road on the farm towards the goat barn and the ground pulled at my boots. You could smell the wet earth in the air and it made me smile. Spring is finally coming after a hard and long winter.

By the time I got to the pen the goats are yelling up a storm and climbing up the fence, they know I am late with dinner and they will not let that pass! I quickly throw the grain in the trough once I get through their greetings. As they quietly munch on their grain I unhook their door, fill their hay bin, and clean and fill their water. Once their bellies are full they are pleasant and nudge my hand for petting; stretching their heads high in the air for me. They are how I get through rough days in the office or sad events in my life. They try to follow me back out of their barn as I leave and I say goodnight.

Back at the house I visit the bunnies in the basement and change their litter and fill their food and give them treats and fresh water. They are a little out of sorts since all the plants moved in – around 18,000 plugs to start and more on the way in a few weeks. People are planting all day down there and they miss out on their normal sleep time. That and I forgot to dry apples last night for them. They throw apple sticks and toys at me in frustration. I pet them and they settle down, but I better not forget again.

Upstairs in the kitchen John is making pasta salad and veggie burgers with feta for dinner – a nice summery meal in celebration of the warm weather to come. The dogs and cat have been fed and it is quiet except for my fingers on the keyboard and the cutting of the celery.

This has been a good day. Be well.


Silky and Cochin Hut 2011

Guineas in their new flight cage!

Easy Bantam Nesting Boxes

Easy Homemade Bread!