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Thought for the moment.....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August already?!

This morning I started my day with a chai latte (my new favorite drink - thank you Emma!) and a fried duck egg sandwich. I also had a fried duck egg sandwich last night for dinner. These are from 'chicka-zee-farm - check them out on facebook. The egg sandwich was FANTASTIC! I use duck eggs for baking, especially breads because it makes them so moist (the exchange is 2 hen eggs for one duck but in banana breads I use a whole duck egg). Last night I wanted a fried egg sandwich but when I went for the hen eggs there were none in the house (they sell very fast at the store because they are delicious). So, since I was in the mood, I decided I'd try a duck egg. I will always do duck egg sandwiches from NOW ON! As a matter of fact, I'm thinking of adopting a few pekings just for eggs (and a little weeding). I will let you know how that goes.

This has been a very busy and strenuous summer for us and it has gone by like lightening!  The turkeys are plumping up, the guinea hens are getting big (3.5 wks old now), the goats are getting a little on the heavy side - they are on a diet, and the bees are very very busy making honey for our lip balms and lotion bars.  As a matter of fact, this summer has been so busy that I decided to leave my FT job and am now working a PT job as an analyst for a state school and PT for the farm and PT for the store :).  I am thrilled to be able to do this and am looking very forward to being more involved in the store again and with the farm producing more of what we need at home and raising strong healthy happy animals!

Today is my day off from analyst work and a beautiful day for enjoying the outdoors.  All the windows are open, the clothes are hanging in the sun, the rabbits are enjoying themselves in thier outdoor space and I am getting ready to get some weed wacking done!  It has been a very busy day 'off' with caring for the house and the animals.  The turkeys are so big they need feeding and watering twice a day and are even happier if I throw in some cucumbers and squash!  I will have to video tape them tonight when John brings home some cukes - hysterical!  I've brought water to the goats a few times and rewarded them for good behavior with horse treats - carrot and apple flavor!  The rabbits get to go outside to dig wholes if its nice so they've been having a blast getting filthy all morning.  Luckily they are good at cleaning up!

More great news - my sister and nieces are moving next door to us this month!  They are city girls and have decided to move out here with us!  We are thrilled!  I am hoping to encourage the girls to write you a few stories about thier adventures and impressions once they arrive.  I'm also hoping to encourage them to help me with the animals!  We will see.....

I'm so glad to be back on line with all of you and hope to resume blogging!  Be well!

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