Come visit us at the Connecticut Country Store!

Come visit us at the Connecticut Country Store!
Smart Folks Shop Local!

Thought for the moment.....

Monday, January 18, 2010

My first mitten

This is a picture of my first attempt at a mitten.  I got a pattern from a fellow blogger at - Thank you Claire!  Unfortunately, I am not so good at crocheting yet and I messed up the order of things and didn't quite count the stitches properly.  It is a great pattern, I will take the blame for the crazy way this mitten came out!  I will try again!  I've said before and I'll say it again, this sustainable living can be rather difficult sometimes :)  but well worth it when things come out right....and even when they don't!

We've been very busy at the store cleaning and painting and today - building!  Friend, neighbor, cousin Tad is making us a countertop and it is looking really wonderful, I will post pictures soon!  We got our first sign in the mail and we found a wonderful place to get our seeds to sell - The Page Seed Company.  Today we also painted signs, worked on making paper bricks, and stacking wood for the fireplace in the basement.


  1. Nice!! Can I get the pattern?? I also have a great mitten pattern!

    Lisa Harley

  2. Yes, go to Claire's blog! Her blog is! Send me your pattern!


Silky and Cochin Hut 2011

Guineas in their new flight cage!

Easy Bantam Nesting Boxes

Easy Homemade Bread!